Dr Joel Bell, Podiatrist and Osteopath.

Joel Bell is the only registered Podiatrist and Osteopath in Australia.

This places Joel in a unique niche in troubleshooting the underlying cause of your complaint. The ability to call upon a combination of expertise from both professions together with over 20yrs of clinical experience makes Joel a highly sought after clinical opinion with colleagues from both Osteopathy and Podiatry, often asking for advice around complex clinical cases and a total approach to how lower limb mechanics can lead to ‘up channel’ problems like lower back pain.

Furthermore his personal passion for all things sport have created a strong reputation for down to earth, evidence based and effective advice and management of many sports related complaints and injuries, especially concerning lower limb bio mechanics and function.

The ability to call upon treatment options from the spectrum of both Osteopathy and Podiatry allow for an individualized and total approach to the complex problems that lead to pain and injury.

Ask Joel’s advice for solutions to any problem you may be experiencing. Thanks to his duel qualification he fills a niche role amongst colleagues from both his professions and is often called upon by these colleagues to ‘link’ issues that stem from one region and negatively affecting another region where the pain is actually occurring.

Joel’s solutions to your problem always start with the accurate medical diagnosis and you will be provided with a clear plan by which Joel will start you on your way to getting better. Such tools as Osteopathic manipulation, Foot Orthotics, Rehab plans and Lifestyle advice are usually incorporated into the approach.  


Please note: 

1. Like many sought after clinicians Joel does not have the diary capacity to take on every patient for longer term care. Please understand that if, after the Initial Assessment or the first phase of your treatment plan, Joel refers you to another one of the excellent Osteopaths at Active Osteopathy this is how you will be able to access the most appropriate care for any ongoing treatment.

2. Joel does not provide general foot care such as nail, corn or wart treatments nor complete diabetic foot assessments.