A Few FAQs About Osteopathy

Osteopathy is a form of manual healthcare that focuses on the musculoskeletal system, including the joints, muscles, and spine.

How Do You Improve Your Flexibility?

How do you improve flexibility

As osteopaths, we’re primarily interested in helping our patients regain and maintain mobility. And improving flexibility can help this process along!

Recovering from RSI with Osteopathy

Recovering from RSI with Osteopathy

Repetitive Strain Injury can affect anyone, even you as you scroll through this blog! Read more about recovering from RSI with osteopathy!

Superfoods for Christmas


Christmas foods have a bit of a bad wrap! (Please forgive the pun.) Too many mince pies, mulled wine (and all the other drinks), servings from the cheese platter and candy canes leave many of us stuffed, sluggish and soooooo not looking forward to dieting in January. But many traditional Christmas foods are incredibly nutritious. […]


So you’ve heard about the health benefits of osteopathic treatment and you still have some questions… We’ve got you! We have compiled answers to frequently asked questions that we get asked as osteopaths. What is an osteopath? This is a common question we encounter! An osteopath is a government-registered, allied health practitioner who aims to […]

Back to work: Desk tips to remember!

The silly season is over, and we are all heading back to work! Whether you are going into the office, staying at home or doing a mixture of both — sitting in the same space for 8 hours a day can take a toll on your body. Prioritising a suitable workspace is essential for your […]

Five foods you should try

Getting bored of the food you eat day in, day out, week after week?! Well lucky for you we have some suggestions for you to help spice up your shopping list and keep you healthy into the festive period (where we’re all likely to pig out and indulge on chocolate, desserts, and cake… and chocolate… […]

The nervous system

Have you ever wondered what makes our bodies do what they do? Why we move, talk, breathe and everything in between? Well, there is one system of the body that is primarily responsible for driving all those things… your nervous system. What is the nervous system? The nervous system is a complex collection of nerves […]

Osteopathy: FAQ

hand on back

In this blog we’ve compiled the answers to some of the most commonly asked questions we get asked as osteopaths. Keep on reading to learn all about us, what we do and how we can help you and your family.