Lymphatic Drainage Massage: A Comprehensive Guide

Have you heard about Lymphatic Drainage Massage (or LDM)? It’s a massage therapy designed to help your lymphatic system. If you are seeking relief from conditions like lymphoedema or simply aiming to give your immune system a boost, the osteopaths at Active Osteopathy and Podiatry are ready to provide expert care. Click here to schedule […]
Juvenile Idiopathic Scoliosis: A Comprehensive Guide

Welcome to our exploration of Juvenile Idiopathic Scoliosis (JIS), a condition that affects children and adolescents. If you suspect your child has scoliosis, please contact us on – the osteopaths at Active Osteopathy and Podiatry are here to help. In the meantime, let’s understand what’s going on… Juvenile Idiopathic Scoliosis Overview Juvenile Idiopathic Scoliosis […]
Turning Resolutions into Reality: Insights from your Osteopath

New Year’s Resolutions Why do we do this to ourselves every year? Why do we set ourselves up for failure with New Year’s Resolutions? We’re all about figuring out how to achieve in 2024 (hint: getting expert care from the osteopaths at Active Osteopathy and Podiatry might help if any of your goals are health-related). If […]
Subacromial Impingement: An Osteopathic Perspective

Introduction: Ever had that stubborn shoulder pain that just won’t quit? Or found that you simply can’t perform overhead tasks because your shoulder is too weak? Maybe the pain kicks in when you lift your arm to the side? It seems likely you’re suffering from a subacromial impingement, also sometimes referred to as shoulder impingement. […]