Back to work: Desk tips to remember!

The silly season is over, and we are all heading back to work! Whether you are going into the office, staying at home or doing a mixture of both — sitting in the same space for 8 hours a day can take a toll on your body. Prioritising a suitable workspace is essential for your […]
Sacroiliac joint pain: We can help!

Many of us have experienced lower back pain at some point in our lives. Whether that is after a fall, running or simply sitting down for too long most days. SIJ is short for ‘sacroiliac joint’, and SIJ pain contributes to around 15-30% of back pain. But most of us don’t know much about it, […]
Injury blog: Muscle strain

Have you ever gone to reach your leg out for a ball just that little bit too far, or tried to suddenly sprint off from a standing still position and felt a painful tug, pull or tearing sensation in your leg?
Gait – walking you through it

Walking would appear to anyone as being a simple action carried out by many people, every second of every day across the globe. For the average Joe, walking is simple.