Subacromial Impingement: An Osteopathic Perspective

Introduction: Ever had that stubborn shoulder pain that just won’t quit? Or found that you simply can’t perform overhead tasks because your shoulder is too weak? Maybe the pain kicks in when you lift your arm to the side? It seems likely you’re suffering from a subacromial impingement, also sometimes referred to as shoulder impingement. […]
Understanding Whiplash and Concussion After a Car Accident

Okay, so you’ve just been in a car accident, and the adrenaline rush and shock is starting to fade. You may be experiencing neck pain, stiffness, and perhaps even symptoms of a concussion. It’s time to get yourself checked out for whiplash. Read on to learn more and if you want to get onto the […]
Hip Osteoarthritis: Understanding, Coping, and Thriving

Osteoarthritis is not fun. This month we’re examining it deeply, focusing on osteoarthritis of the hip. If that’s not related to your aches and pains, we’re still here to help. Click here to make an appointment online at Active Osteopathy and Podiatry. We’re here to help with whatever body issue bothers you – not just […]
Office Worker Elbow

The quadriceps muscle group is a powerhouse located at the front of your thigh. It’s responsible for extending your knee and helping you kick, jump, and run.
All About Quadricep Strains

The quadriceps muscle group is a powerhouse located at the front of your thigh. It’s responsible for extending your knee and helping you kick, jump, and run.
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome:

So, you’re experiencing tingling, numbness, or pain in your hands and wrists. You might be afflicted with that bothersome condition known as carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS).
Medial Ankle Sprain

he treatment for a medial ankle sprain will depend on the severity of the injury. At first, you must apply the RICE protocol: Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation.
All About Lumbar Disc Prolapse

Symptoms of a lumbar disc prolapse vary from mild to severe and can affect the whole body (from the limbs to the bowels, as well as, of course, the back.)
Are your joints popping, grinding or clicking?

Osteopathic manipulation may bring pain relief. It will also get your body into better alignment so that your muscular system better supports the joint in its ideal position.
Healing From a Fracture?

If you’ve broken or fractured a bone (especially if it’s caused you extra pain in the past) an appointment with an osteopath is a good idea. Bones heal well when they’re well set, but the soft tissue around them can be more troublesome. The muscles around damaged bones can become weak and stiff while the bone repairs.