Okay, so you’ve just been in a car accident, and the adrenaline rush and shock is starting to fade. You may be experiencing neck pain, stiffness, and perhaps even symptoms of a concussion. It’s time to get yourself checked out for whiplash. Read on to learn more and if you want to get onto the road to recovery straight away just click here to make an appointment at Active Osteopathy and Podiatry.

Whiplash is a neck injury often sustained in car accidents when the head is suddenly jerked forward and then backward, much like the cracking of a whip. This rapid motion can strain or even damage the soft tissues in your neck, including muscles, ligaments, and tendons. The primary cause of whiplash is the sudden deceleration of a car, but it can also occur during other activities that involve quick changes in motion, such as sports or slip and fall accidents.

Understanding Whiplash and Concussion After a Car Accident.

Anatomy of Whiplash

The cervical spine, made up of seven vertebrae, supports the neck. Between these vertebrae are intervertebral discs that act as shock absorbers and provide flexibility. Muscles, ligaments, and tendons surround the spine to support and stabilise it. During a whiplash injury, these structures can be strained or injured.

Now, let’s talk about the often-overlooked connection between whiplash and concussion. 

A concussion is a type of traumatic brain injury (TBI) that can occur when your head is subjected to a sudden jolt or blow. In a car accident, the head can hit the steering wheel, dashboard, or other objects, causing the brain to move inside the skull. This motion can lead to bruising, tearing of nerve fibres, and chemical changes in the brain. Symptoms of concussion may include confusion, memory problems, dizziness, and headaches.

So, whiplashes aren’t all the same and not all whiplash injuries are immediately apparent – some symptoms may develop over time. If you’ve been in a car accident and suspect whiplash or head injuries, please call us to make an appointment so we can evaluate you and build a tailored treatment plan. 

Osteopathic Treatment for Whiplash and Concussion

What can we do to help? Well, osteopathy is a holistic approach to healthcare that focuses on the musculoskeletal system and its connection to overall health. We aim to promote the body’s natural ability to heal and self-regulate. Here’s how we can assist in cases of whiplash and concussion:

In conclusion

In the aftermath of a car accident, the injuries can go far beyond what’s immediately visible. Whiplash and concussion are complex conditions that require careful evaluation and treatment. We are here to help with a holistic approach to addressing the musculoskeletal aspects of these injuries, managing your pain, regaining mobility, and promoting overall well-being. Head to our website by clicking here to make an appointment with the osteopaths here at Active Osteopathy and Podiatry if you or someone you love has been affected by whiplash.

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