Recovering from RSI with Osteopathy

Repetitive Strain Injury can affect anyone, even you as you scroll through this blog! Read more about recovering from RSI with osteopathy!
All About Patella Tendinopathy

What is it? You might have heard it referred to as “jumpers’ knee” and it’s true that it disproportionately affects athletes in sports that involve a lot of jumping and landing. In fact, it’s estimated that around 40% of elite volleyball and basketball players suffer from Patella Tendinopathy (Yikes!). But anyone can get it. Patella […]
Superfoods for Christmas

Christmas foods have a bit of a bad wrap! (Please forgive the pun.) Too many mince pies, mulled wine (and all the other drinks), servings from the cheese platter and candy canes leave many of us stuffed, sluggish and soooooo not looking forward to dieting in January. But many traditional Christmas foods are incredibly nutritious. […]
Lateral Ankle Sprain

Ouch! There you were walking along minding your own business when a hidden divot in the ground tripped you over. Your foot rolled under you and now you’re in pain. You’ve sprained your ankle. What Is a Lateral Ankle Sprain? When you roll your ankle and that action stretches, or even tears, the ligaments holding […]
First osteopathy appointment? Here’s what to expect.

An osteopath aims to improve a person’s overall health and wellness by treating the whole person, not just a single condition or area. If you’ve heard about the benefits of osteopathy but are unsure what to expect at your first appointment, we’re here to help. Here are the answers to some of the common questions […]

As osteopaths, we aim to improve your overall health and wellness. We treat the whole person, not just a single condition or area. Our patients seek out osteopathic treatment for a range of conditions from neck and back pain, to sports injuries, and headaches. The way we approach the assessment and treatment of each patient […]

It’s World Osteoporosis Day this month (on October 20th) so let’s look at the benefits of exercise for bone health and osteoporosis. What is osteoporosis? Osteoporosis is a chronic condition that causes a person’s bones to become weak and brittle, making them susceptible to fracture from minor falls or injuries. While your bones naturally become weaker […]

Arthritis comes from the Greek word ‘arthron’ (meaning joint) and the ending ‘itis’ (meaning inflammation of). The term arthritis describes over a hundred conditions that cause inflammation of the joints. Read on to find out more about the main types of arthritis and how osteopathic treatment could help to manage your symptoms to improve your […]
Have you tried Pilates?

Whether you’re a long-distance runner, returning to exercise from injury, or at the start of a new fitness routine, Pilates has something for everybody. Read on to learn about how to try it alongside osteopathy to get the most out of life! What is Pilates? The Pilates method uses a combination of exercises that can […]
Osteopathy for neck pain

Did you know that approximately 1 in 3 adults experience neck pain at least once a year? It’s not surprising that it is a common reason that our patients come into the [insert clinic name or delete] clinic seeking osteopathic treatment. Research shows that neck pain is more persistent in people who have experienced back […]