Did you know that approximately 1 in 3 adults experience neck pain at least once a year? It’s not surprising that it is a common reason that our patients come into the [insert clinic name or delete] clinic seeking osteopathic treatment. Research shows that neck pain is more persistent in people who have experienced back pain. As osteos who regularly treat patients with neck and back pain, we’ll share some simple steps to follow to reduce the risk of strain in your daily life. Read on to find out about the types of neck pain, and how osteopathic treatment could help.

Function of the neck

The neck, or cervical spine, contains the smallest vertebrae in the spinal column. It has several very important functions: to support the head and its range of motion, to allow blood to flow to the brain, and to protect the spinal cord.

What are the common symptoms of neck pain?

Neck pain is usually acute, which means it resolves within a few days or weeks. If it persists for longer than 3 months, it is considered chronic.

The common symptoms of neck pain include:

What are the common causes of neck pain?

Neck aches can be caused by something minor like sleeping in an awkward position or sitting at your desk for too long.

Some common causes of neck pain include:

Less commonly, neck pain can be caused by serious illness or infection. If you have severe pain accompanied by fever, or numbness in your arms or legs, or you have injured your neck in a fall or accident, be sure to seek medical treatment from a doctor promptly.

How to prevent neck pain?

While it can’t always be avoided, there are some simple steps to reduce your risk of experiencing a strain, including:

How to treat neck pain at home

You can manage some mild neck aches at home. Some of the treatments we like include:

How can osteopathic treatment help?

As osteos, we commonly treat neck and back aches in the clinic. Whether your symptoms are acute or chronic, osteopathic treatment could help get to the bottom of them. When a patient comes into the clinic with neck pain or discomfort, we will use a range of soft tissue techniques, including massage therapy, joint manipulation, and stretching which may help to increase blood flow to the area, reduce tightness, and restore your range of motion.

If you need help to manage your symptoms, come and see us. We will assess your symptoms and come up with a treatment plan to get you back to your best. Call us on
+61 430 062 099
or email info@activeosteopathy.com.au to make an appointment.

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